Frequently Asked Questions

What is Round Table about?

  • Primarily enjoyment and participation which make all our events a success.
  • We are an open and inclusive group of young blokes from all walks of life. 
  • Nothing is secret and we have no surreptitious handshakes.
  • We are non-political, non-religious, and non-sectarian.
  • We are about trying new activities (e.g. paintballing), experiences (e.g. charity runs) and sports (e.g. clay pigeon shooting).
  • We meet and network both in Gibraltar and abroad.
  • We help and participate within the local community.

What would I get out of it?

  • Fantastic experiences.
  • Opportunities to develop business and interpersonal skills.
  • Involvement of all the family.
  • Experiences you would otherwise not have the opportunity to partake in (e.g fundraisers and international events such as the Euroskimeeting).
  • Development of confidence and character.
  • Cultivation of organisational and public speaking skills.
  • If you are visiting an unfamiliar city, area or even country then there will be a group of like-minded people waiting to welcome and assist you.
  • You will benefit in direct relation to what you put in to it.

    Are you just charity fund-raisers?

    This is a common misconception of Round Table. The main reason we get together is to meet like-minded people and have a good time. Fund-raising is just one of the many activities we undertake during the year.

    Do you have to be a businessman to join?

    Our members are drawn from a wide spectrum of occupations, in fact the majority of us are not businessmen. 

    Is an all-male organisation not inappropriate in this day and age?

    We organise many events in Round Table Gibraltar which involve partners, children and even extended family. There is a sister organisation to Round Table International called the Ladies Circle. There is currently no Ladies Circle in Gibraltar.

    Why should I consider joining?

    It is an excellent forum through which to meet new friends the world over. You will have the opportunity to participate in events and charity work which you would otherwise not have the chance of doing, meeting people you would otherwise not have met and travel to places you would otherwise never have visited.

    What do I have to do to join?

    There is no requirement to be invited by an existing member such as with the Free Masons. Contact one of the existing members should any of us be known to you or alternatively click here to contact our Secretary. You can then attend a number of our meetings and events which will allow us to get to know you and vice versa. After attending as a guest for a time, prospective members are invited to join. There are no restrictions regarding political beliefs, religion, occupational or marital status. 

    Our aim is to ensure that it is not prohibitively expensive for our members to participate and we therefore look forward to all members contributing. We meet two times a month, except during the summer. One meeting is used to discuss the ‘business’ side of Round Table, and the other meeting will involve a sport, speaker or other social event which will normally include dinner. We also organise two weekends away in Spain each year, one with families and one with partners.