What is Round Table?

Round Table is a non-political, non-denominational association of young men between the ages of 18 and 45, embracing representatives of nearly every profession and occupation, whose objects encompass the encouragement of high ethical standards, the promotion of social intercourse and fellowship among young professional men, the quickening of individual interests in everything affecting the public welfare, and the promotion of understanding amongst peoples of different cultural, language and political backgrounds.

The Round Table at Great Hall, Winchester, an adaptation of which forms our rondel (logo) 

 Louis Marchesi

How did it start?

Louis Marchesi, a young Rotarian from Norwich, England, who felt the need for an organisation of young men on lines similar to Rotary, founded Round Table in 1927. The basic idea was an association where young men could get together around a table and exchange their ideas. From a modest start many took up the enthusiasm of a few. It was decided to restrict membership to young men between the ages of 18 and 40. This rule was amended locally in 2002 raising the age limit to 45. 

The first Round Table meeting was held in Norwich on 14 March 1927. Soon the Round Table ideals spread throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland. By 1934 there were 77 Tables with several thousand members. By 1936 Round Table had spread further afield and a Table was formed in Copenhagen, Denmark. The movement has now expanded to 1,200 Tables in the United Kingdom and Ireland with around 11,000 members in addition to further Tables in over 40 other countries including Gibraltar.

Round Table Motto

The Round Table Motto is 'ADOPT-ADAPT-IMPROVE'. This motto was taken from a speech delivered by the Duke of Windsor in 1927 in which he stated: "The young business and professional men of this country must get together around a table, adopt methods that have proved so sound in the past, adapt them to changing needs of the times and, whenever possible, improve them."

Round Table Gibraltar

Round Table Gibraltar was chartered in October 1978 under the sponsorship of Round Table Hamilton from Scotland. These were the days of a closed frontier between Gibraltar and Spain, effectively making Gibraltar a 3.5 square mile island, and Gibraltarians eager for new ideas and activities.

Round Table Gibraltar began life with an energetic group of 35 founder members and soon made a name for itself in Gibraltar through the organisation of numerous functions of a social and fundraising nature. The Table went from strength to strength and at one time with close to forty members the creation of a second Table was considered. The idea was however never consummated and Gibraltar still has only one Table. Numbers now hover around 20 Tablers ensuring a healthy and vibrant Table.

Throughout its history, Gibraltar Tablers have always embraced international Tabling, and have travelled extensively throughout the world participating in many international events. Gibraltar is recognised as a National Table in the Eurpoean, Mediterranean and Americas region and is proud to have hosted two very successful European IRO's meetings (in 1991 and 2003) and in 1991 was awarded the Table of the Year Trophy by the European Association.

Aims & Objects of Round Table

  1. To develop the acquaintance of young men through the medium of their various occupations.
  2. To emphasise the fact that one's calling offers an excellent medium of service to the community.
  3. To cultivate the highest ideals in business, professional and civic traditions.
  4. To recognise the worthiness of all legitimate occupations and to dignify each his own by precept and example.
  5. To further the establishment of peace and goodwill in international relationships.
  6. To further these objects by meetings, lectures, discussions and other activities.

Aims & Objects of Round Table International

  1. To promote fellowship and understanding between Round Table Associations worldwide.
  2. To promote the formation of new Round Table Associations throughout the world.
  3. To initiate, develop and improve working relationships with Club 41 International and Ladies Circle International for fellowship, networking and Joint Service objectives.
  4. To promote and administer Joint Service Projects worldwide.