Charter Weekend 2012

Friday 26th to Sunday 27th October 


Accomodation for the weekend will be provided by the highly rated Hotel Los Jandalos. It is central and has parking, what more could we possibly want? And that's not counting on the magnificent price per person per night of €35.65.

Learn more at





 Saturday visit to Bodegas Tio Pepe

This will require a minimum of 20 persons attending and includes:

  • A full private guided tour with a proper tasting session (as opposed to a quick sip), and
  • Tapeo lunch of Jamón ibérico, Queso manchego, Gazpacho, Tortilla Española, Croquetas, Corvina frita con salmorejo, and Picos 

Cost comes to €35 per person

Saturday evening dinner in lieu of Charter Dinner at ‘La Carbona’

A brilliant venue ( dinner at €30 per person as follows:


-Aliños caseros con vinagre viejo de Jerez.

-Tartar de salmón al Amontillado con aguacates y virutas de queso viejo.

-Chistorras navarras al Oloroso.


-Lomo de corvina sobre hojaldre relleno de pisto y salsa de gengibre.


-Solomillo en salsa de Pedro Ximenez.


-Tarta casera de canerla.


-Todas incluidas desde el momento de tomar asiento hasta los postres.

 Note: Friday dinner will be organised in a different venue closer to the time.

Please do not forget to confirm your attendance on bokat